

    Saharanpur was occupied by the British East India Company in 1803. They also occupied the present Muzaffarnagar and Haridwar Districts. Saharanpur passed firmly into the hands of British invaders in 1804, when they had eli minated Maratha resistance and suppressed the frequent Sikh attackers completely. Saharanpur is well known for wood work.The Saharanpur Judgeship has running 32 Courts at Headquarter, 4 Outlying court in Deoband and 01 Gram Nyayalya Behat are functioning under the Hon’ble District Judge Mr. M.B.T. Hill was appointed as first District Judge of Saharanpur Judgeship in 1867 since then till date as many as 78 District Judges have worked in this Judgeship. Presently Smt. Babita Rani is heading the Judgeship of Saharanpur